
Several countries have set up organisations dedicated to the research on and restitution of Looted Art.




Recuperatiecel van geroofde goederen tijdens de tweede wereldoorlog
Vooruitgangsstraat 50
B- 1040 Brussel
Tel: + 32 (0)2 277 89 53

Eindrapport Commissie Buysse (2008)
Eindverslag Studiecommisie (2001)

Archive of DER, Economical Recuperation



Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW)
The website of the Ministry of OCW provides more information about Nazi-looted art and the NK collection.

Netherlands Cultural Heritage Agency (RCE)
The Netherlands Cultural Heritage Agency is part of the Ministry of OCW and it administers the art collection of the State of the Netherlands, including the NK collection.

Netherlands Museum Association
The Netherlands Museum Association is the national association for the museum sector and it coordinates  ‘museum acquisitions since 1933‘.


The Restitutions Committee only investigates the claims submitted to it. If you would like more information about the provenance of a work of art or wish to conduct research into works of art that were lost during the war, the following institutes and websites may be useful:

Origins Unknown Agency (BHG)
On the BHG website you can consult the results of research conducted into the provenance of all objects in the NK collection. The website allows you to view the provenance information available for each work and, for example, search by name or object.
This website provides online search access to archive collections in the Netherlands relating to the Second World War. With one query you can search collections all across the Netherlands. The site was set up by the Netwerk Oorlogsbronnen [War Sources Network], a joint project of DANS-KNAW, the Koninklijke Bibliotheek [National Library of the Netherlands], the Nationaal Archief [National Archives of the Netherlands], the Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei [The National Committee for 4 and 5 May] and the Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid [Netherlands Institute of Sound and Vision], coordinated by the Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie [the NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies (NIOD)].

Wegwijzer Archieven WO2
This website, which was put together by the NIOD and the Nationaal Archief, forms a guide to the archives and collections of Dutch archive institutes on national socialism and the Second World War in relation to the Netherlands, the Netherlands East Indies, Suriname and the Netherlands Antilles.

Digital Onderzoeksgids Oorlogsgetroffenen
This digital Onderzoeksgids Oorlogsgetroffenen WO2 [Victims of World War II Research Guide] is the product of a collaboration between the Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis [Institute for Dutch History] and the NIOD. This website provides information on subjects such as looting and rehabilitation.

Netherlands Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies
The NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies is the Netherlands’ centre for Second World War research and documentation.

National Archives of the Netherlands
The National Archives of the Netherlands contain various archives that are essential for research into looted art, such as the archives of the Netherlands Art Property Foundation, the archives of the Netherlands Property Administration Institute and the Central Archive Special Criminal Jurisdiction. Some war-related archives may only be consulted with prior permission.

Netherlands Institute for Art History (RKD)
The RKD is a centre of art history information that has a huge amount of documentation and archived material available for consultation. Using databases on this website, part of the collections can be accessed via databases.

Digital Monument to the Jewish Community in the Netherlands
The Digital Monument to the Jewish Community in the Netherlands is a monument on the internet that commemorates the Dutch victims of the persecution of the Jews. This site provides biographical information on people who were killed during the war. In some cases, the site also refers to looted property or the existence of what is called a Jokos file.




Lost Art Internet Database
The Lost Art Internet Database was set up by the government and the states of the Federal Republic of Germany and is maintained by the Deutches Zentrum Kulturgutverluste [German Lost Art Foundation], the central German agency for the documentation of lost cultural heritage. The database contains information on objects (particularly from Jewish owners) that were moved, relocated or confiscated as a consequence of the Nazi regime and the Second World War.

Deutsches Historisches Museum Berlin, Datenbanken NS-Archivalien
This German site features two databases you can use to find a wealth of information on works of art that ended up in Germany during the Second World War. The first database contains data from the Central Collecting Point in Munich, one of the central collecting points of recovered art set up by the Allies after the Second World War. The other database contains the collection that was amassed during the war for the Führermuseum to be founded in Linz.




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Monuments Men